Christmas 2007

Christmas is a strange affair on a farm. On one hand you know most people are on holiday and so you feel like you ought to be. On the other the cows don't stop eating and so we have to work and organise everything around them anyway.

This year we had minimal decorations with the "Christmas Tree" being the one that Mark Harvey and Tom gave me after they had dislodged it in Scotland while sliding down a banking.

Christmas Day we walked with Rosie and Ronnie to Rocking Stones. The mist came down heavily and we were on a compass bearing from Outer Edge and just as we were thinking that it was tiresome the mist just blew away giving us our first views of the day.
















New Year's Eve saw a number of walks on offer however with Charlie and Carol full of cold we opted for the shorter, valley route near Langsett. While waiting for us this is Steve "investigating" something .....



This was then followed by the obligatory drink in the Dog and Partridge !!




So that's it - onwards into 2008 !!


2007 News